
The perturbation method and the method of Green's functions are used to calculate the correction to the energy of conduction electrons in a ferromagnetic metal as a result of s-d exchange. It is found that the system of d-electrons influences the conduction electrons in such a way that at the edge of the Brillouin zone it is possible to introduce the spin-dependent effective mass for the conduction electron. The method of Green's functions permits the calculation of the many-particle correction to the effective mass and the finding of the renormalized energy of the conduction electron forT>0°K as well. A detailed calculation is performed forT=0°K. The discussion forT>0°K shows that in this case, too, it is possible to introduce the effective mass, which is temperature dependent. The difference between the effective masses,m+m−, which is important for calculating the frequency and the line width of the spin resonance of conduction electrons, is temperature independent. It is therefore possible to use the values ofm+ andm− found forT=0°K for this difference.

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