
N the conditions of constant growth of prices for energy and competition in the domestic market, rural producers have a problem of reducing energy costs, since they make up a significant share in the cost of agricultural products. Energy costs are especially high during hydrothermal processing of agricultural products. It is possible to reduce energy costs for thermal purposes by secondary heat extraction and its application in a specific technological process. (Research purpose) The research purpose is constructing a method for calculating the heat exchange surface of a secondary heat extraction device located in a thermally insulated hopper - temperator. (Materials and methods) Methods of system analysis and synthesis of existing knowledge were used for the calculation of a heat exchanger installed in a device for tempering soybeans. The main provisions of the theory of heat transfer were used to calculate the heat exchanger. (Results and discussion) The article presents the design of a secondary heat extraction device located in the lower part of a heat-insulated hopper - temperator. The selected secondary heat can be used to water heating, which is required to moisten soybeans before starting its heat treatment. It is possible to reduce the humidification time of soy by 3-5 times with the use of water heated to 60-80 degrees Celsius. A method for calculating the parameters of a heat exchanger providing secondary use of heat from heat-treated soybeans was presented and tested for a specific case. (Conclusions) The design of a secondary heat extraction device in the process of soybean tempering, located in the lower part of a thermally insulated temperator hopper, was substantiated and implemented. A method for calculating the heat exchanger was described and tested. The secondary use of heat in the soybeans tempering for heating water to moisten soybeans reduces the time of humidification of the product and reduces the cost of thermal energy.

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