
Preliminary results from the French ASPITET programme demonstrated that Cd background levels in agricultural soils can vary greatly (0.02–6.9 mg Cd kg −1) depending on parent material and pedogenic processes (Baize, 1997). However, the total Cd content in soil is often not significantly related to the Cd concentration in edible plant parts. A field case study was undertaken across the southern part of the Yonne district, Burgundy, France. This area has various soil series with either low or high geochemical Cd content in the topsoil. Cd availability in soils sampled at 16 sites belonging to five soil series was investigated using single extractions. In addition, shoots (at stem elongation) and grains (at harvest) of field-grown wheat were collected at the same sites and analysed for macronutrients and trace elements. Cd concentrations in grain varied from 0.015 to 0.146 mg Cd kg −1 DM depending on soil characteristics, soil series, and plant mineral composition. Cd grain concentrations did not reflect total Cd content in the surface soil layer; however, they were correlated with Cd extracted by a 0.1 M calcium nitrate unbuffered solution, and to a lesser extent with either soil pH or CEC. These three parameters may be useful guides to predict Cd in wheat grain harvested in the Yonne district. An inverse relationship was found between Cd and Cu contents in grain. The highest Cd concentrations in wheat grain occurred in plants grown on Aubues soils which had marginal Cu and Zn deficiencies in shoots. In order of Cd accumulation in wheat grain, soil series may be ranked as follows: Domérien < Carixien, Terres Noires < Sols Marron < Aubues.

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