
The aim of the work was to analyse the life way of a graduate of Novorossian (now Odesa Mechnykov National) University African Mykolaiovych Kryshtofovych and the main facts of his biography, to estimate the importance of “Odesa’ period” in formation and investigations of the scientist and his valuable contribution to science. Materials and methods . The materials for investigations were A. M. Kryshtofovych herbarium collections, works of other scientists, who had studied his biography. The most important moments in the life of A. M. Kryshtofovych were chronologically indicated. Herbarium collections of plants made by A. M. Kryshtofovych and collected by him and other investigators and identified by him in expeditions of 1911-1913 from the historical collection of Herbarium ONU (MSUD) were analysed. The names of plants and their taxonomy were presented in accordance with the nomenclature of those times, the names of settlements – from the information on the labels. In the life of the scientist we can indicate some chronological periods and stages. In “Odesa” period (1903 –1914) he studied at the botany department of Natural faculty of Novorossian University, choose his way in science, took part in first expeditions. The second period was connected with Leningrad (now Sankt-Petersberg, RF) from 1914 till the last days of his life. There were many expeditions in this period, but then he became a geologist – a unique specialist in fossil flora and a founder of paleontological school. Results and conclusions . African Mykolaiovych Kryshtofovych was a geologist, paleobotanist, corresponding member of AS USSR (1953), an academician of Ukraine AS (1945), doctor of biological sciences (1926), doctor of geological sciences (1934), an awardee of State (Stalin) Prize (1946). In 1936 National geographical society of USA and in 1946 – London’s geographical society made him an honorable member. He was one of the founders of paleobotanical society of the USSR. He was the author of more than 500 scientific works in paleobotany, paleogeography, etc. His name was given to a mountain in the Kurile Islands, a crater on Mars and 85 different taxons (species, genus, families) of fossil plants and animals. In this work the herbarium collection of “Odesa’ period” of Kryshtophovych’s life, his author’ label are presented. The said period was the time of his becoming a scientist. He died in Leningrad.

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