
<strong>Carbon Stock in Seagrass Meadows of Bintan Island, Riau Archipelago.</strong> Carbon dioxide (CO<sub>2</sub>) is the main component of greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming. About 40 Tt CO<sub>2 </sub>was accumulated in the ocean plays an important role in the oceans’s carbon cycle. The ocean can absorb CO<sub>2 </sub>through photosynthesis by the planktonic community or coastal vegetations (i.e. seagrass and mangrove) to reduce atmospheric CO<sub>2</sub>. As a study case, we assessed Bintan Island that has the extensive area of seagrass meadows. The potential of seagrass meadows, especially in the absorption of CO<sub>2 </sub>can be estimated by determining the carbon stock. The dominant species of seagrass in Bintan Island are <em>Enhalus acoroides</em> and <em>Thalassia hemprichii</em>. The objectives of this study are carbon stock assessment of the sediment and seagrass habitus (i.e above substrate (AS) consist of leave blades and fronds and Below Substrate (BS) consist of roots and rhizomes). We compare carbon stock between AS and BS, as well as between two species. The result of the research show that carbon estimation value in Pengudang Station (PS) (68.398,47 g C/m<sup>2</sup>) is higher than Teluk Bakau Station (57.763,47 g C/m<sup>2</sup>). The carbon estimation value of <em>E. acoroides</em> is higher that others either in TBS of PS. The carbon stock in BS is higher than AS. While the estimated carbon stock in the sediment in PS was higher than in TBS.

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