
Blue carbon is a term used to describe the carbon stored in coastal and marine ecosystems. Research and conservation of blue carbon sinks like seagrass meadows are important in mitigating global climate change. This research aimed to estimate blue carbon stored in the seagrass meadows ecosystem of Jelenga Bay, West Sumbawa, Indonesia. Carbon stock in the seagrass community was estimated based on correlation analysis of density, biomass, and organic carbon content. Meanwhile, the correlation analysis of dry bulk density and organic carbon content was used to estimate the susbtrate carbon stock. Four seagrass species were found in Jelenga Bay, i.e., Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Cymodocea rotundata, and Halodule pinifolia. Carbon stock estimation of the seagrass community within 107.1 hectares area showed that aboveground biomass stored 19.1 Mg of carbon (0.18 Mg C/ha), whereas belowground biomass stored 28.4 Mg of carbon (0.26 Mg C/ha). Carbon stock estimation in seagrass meadows substrate (in 1 meter depth) stored 4,590.0 Mg C (42.86 Mg C/ha). The substrate at 70-100 cm depth contributed the highest amount of carbon stock, i.e., 14.9 Mg. However, for the organic carbon content, depth of 1530 cm showed the highest result (0.341 % of Dry Bulk Density).

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