
Theodore Ledbetter and Gilbert Mendelson's The Wired City: A Handbook on Cable Television for Local Officials (Washington: Urban Communications Group with copies available from National Urban Coalition, 2100 M St. NW, 1972—$2.95, paper) Cable Information Newsletter for Churchman, Educators and Community Leaders (Broadcasting and Film Commission, National Council of Churches, 475 Riverside Dr., NYC 10027—$10.00 per year/l2 issues) Cable Television Bibliography (February 1972, 33 pp. accession no. PB-208-363) The Regulation of Commercial Radio Stations (December 1971, 26 pp., accession no. PB-208-462) International Facilities Study (May 1971, 130 pp., accession no. PB-208-670) Spectrum Allocation: A Survey of Alternative Methodologies by Bruce M. Owen (April 1972, 33 pp., accession no. PB-208-666) Permanent Arrangements for the Commercial Communication Satellite System of INTELSAT by Stephen E. Doyle (September 1971, 43 pp., accession no. PB-209-055) Specialized Carriers: A Conceptual A roach to Rates and E...

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