
Abstract ‘Market Prize’ cabbage was transplanted on May 5, 1976, at the Central Crops Research Station, Clayton, North Carolina. Single-row plots 25 ft long were replicated three times in a randomized complete block design with 5-ft alleys between replications. Nine treatments were applied weekly beginning June 14 and ending July 19, for a total of 6 applications. All sprays were applied at the rate equivalent to 100 gallons of water per acre using a 2.5-gallon CO2-pressurized hand sprayer operated at 40 psi with a single hollow-cone nozzle. Cabbage heads were harvested and worm damage evaluations were made on July 26. A 1-5 rating scale was used: 1 indicating no damage and 5 indicating heavy damage. A count was also made of diamondback larvae, imported cabbageworms, and cabbage loopers. The number of plants infested with aphids was recorded.

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