Modern multi-processor systems-on-chip (MPSoCs) are characterized by caches shared by multiple cores. These shared caches receive requests issued by the processor cores. Requests that are subject to cache misses may result in the generation of responses . These responses are received from the lower level of the memory hierarchy and written to the cache. The outstanding requests and responses contend for the shared cache bandwidth. To mitigate the impact of the cache bandwidth contention on the overall system performance, an efficient request and response arbitration policy is needed. Research on shared cache management has neglected the additional cache contention caused by responses, which are written to the cache. We propose CABARRE , a novel request and response arbitration policy at shared caches, so as to improve the overall system performance. CABARRE shows a performance improvement of 23% on average across a set of SPEC workloads compared to straightforward adaptations of state-of-the-art solutions.
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