
The article is devoted to a comprehensive study of the asymmetry of power in a complex system of international relations, which is characterized by a particularly high degree of global stratification, integration and asymmetric interdependence. Uneven distribution of power, increasing the number of asymmetric threats at the beginning of the XXI century, limited degree of study of the research topic in the domestic literature highlights the need to understand the asymmetry of power in international relations. In determining the power of the state in world politics, the determining factor is the material and power factor, which is clearly manifested at the present stage of development. Asymmetry of power – uneven distribution of power between participants in international relations leads to the dominance of several states that have higher indices of power than others. Dominance is manifested in various areas – from military to economic and cultural. Inequality of power creates an asymmetry of interaction. The strategy of the state’s behavior in the international arena depends on the level of power. The ratio of total power capabilities between actors can change, which leads to an increase in the power of some actors and the decline of power of others. The asymmetric distribution of power leads to the formation of rights and rules governing the interaction between states, in which states compete for the preservation of the geopolitical status quo and their global influence. Despite the growing role of soft power components, the power continues to play a leading role in the international arena and to influence the format of relations in various areas of cooperation. In general, asymmetry can lead to stability and not cause tension in relations, which contradicts the current theory of international relations on asymmetric relations between states.

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