
Adrianoupolis, or with its current name Edime, was one of the most important cities of Thrace during the ancient era. Located in Eastern Thrace, in the area of the intersection of Hebrus River (Evros in Modern Greek, Meri9 in Modern Turkish and Maritsa in Slavic languages), Arda and Tunca rivers, Adrianoupolis, during the Roman era, was located on the heart of BelgradeSofia- Constantinople military road and maintained close connections with the nearby - 250 km far away - Byzantine capital. The city, during the ancient times was referred to by the names of Uskudama, Orestiada or Orestian respectively. (Samothrakis 1963: 15) Included in the Roman Empire borders in AD 46-47, the city was re-established by Roman Emperor Hadrian in AD 127 and given its new name after its founder: Hadrianopolis or Adrianoupolis.

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