
Genomes of organisms contain a variety of repeated structures of various length and type, interspersed or tandem. Tandem repeats play important role in molecular biology as they are related to genetic backgrounds of inherited diseases, and also they can serve as markers for DNA mapping and DNA fingerprinting. Improving the efficiency of algorithms for searching for tandem repeats in DNA sequences can lead to many useful applications in the area of genomics. We introduce a very efficient, web-based tool for large scale searching for exact tandem repeats in genomes, based on the use of the Burrows–Wheeler Transform. The service is a remarkably efficient and powerful application that allows analyzing complete genomes without any restrictions. The Burrows–Wheeler Tandem Repeat Searcher (BWtrs) is an on-line application that searches for the exact occurrences of tandem repetitions in DNA sequences. The BWtrs service is freely available at: http://bioinfo.polsl.pl/BWtrs. We present examples of the use of our web application and we compare results of our computations with the results obtained by using other existing tools for searches for exact tandem repeats.

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