
Green Marketing is the new concept for India from last decade as going on the implementation of environmental rights for the sake of people. Producers are showing as environmental friendly behavior at public platform. In buyer oriented society, demand is the weapon of consumer which can’t be easily neglect by the producer i.e. U.S.A., Japan, Canada etc. but it is very difficult in seller oriented society due to the conventional perception of producer. Sensitiveness of consumers can play a significant role to implement eco-friendly products concept in developing countries like us. Indian consumers have diversity in perception about product uses in routine life. So, that’s why, how much Indian consumers are aware about green products and degree of implementation of their perception in routine life is remain fact finding process in India. Green marketing includes all the activities which make safer environmental sustainability from seller and buyer both points of view. As a seller point of view, green marketing activities includes design and developing eco-friendly products, recyclable and biodegradable packaging, steps of technology improvement and waste management etc.. Buyers green marketing activities follow to demand of eco-friendly products, proper uses of products, contribution in product recycle process etc.. Green marketing comes under the preview of internal and external environment of the firm. In this research paper, the main emphasis has been made of consumers’ perception about green marketing and patter to follow their perception in ordinary life. Research paper aims to find out what actually Indian consumers view about ‘green’? Keywords: Green marketing, eco-friendly products, environmental marketing, ecological marketing, consumer behavior, sustainable development

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