C4 leaves confine Rubisco to bundle sheath cells. Thus, the size of bundle sheath compartments and the total volume of chloroplasts within them limit the space available for Rubisco. Rubisco activity limits photosynthesis at low temperatures. C3 plants counter this limitation by increasing leaf Rubisco content, yet few C4 species do the same. Because C3 plants usually outperform C4 plants in chilling environments, it has been suggested that there is insufficient chloroplast volume available in the bundle sheath of C4 leaves to allow such an increase in Rubisco at low temperatures. We investigated this potential limitation by measuring bundle sheath and mesophyll compartment volumes and chloroplast contents, as well as leaf thickness and inter-veinal distance, in three C4 Andropogoneae grasses: two crops (Zea mays and Saccharum officinarum) and a wild, chilling-tolerant grass (Miscanthus × giganteus). A wild C4 Paniceae grass (Alloteropsis semialata) was also included. Despite significant structural differences between species, there was no evidence of increased bundle sheath chloroplast volume per leaf area available to the chilling-tolerant species, relative to the chilling-sensitive ones. Maximal theoretical photosynthetic capacity of the leaf far exceeded the photosynthetic rates achieved even at low temperatures. C4 bundle sheath cells therefore have the chloroplast volume to house sufficient Rubisco to avoid limiting C4 photosynthesis during chilling.
IntroductionCells, the enzyme phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase assimilates CO2 into oxaloacetate, which is metabolized into further C4 compounds that are transferred to, and decarboxylated in, bundle-sheath (BS) cells to raise [CO2] around the enzyme Rubisco (von Caemmerer and Furbank, 2003)
C4 photosynthesis involves a biochemical CO2 concentrating mechanism
M. x giganteus maintains the linear relationship between operating photochemical efficiency of photosystem II and the quantum efficiency of CO2 assimilation during chilling, suggesting that the balance of C3 and C4 cycles is not compromised (Naidu and Long, 2004). These findings suggest that Rubisco is not the sole limitation to C4 photosynthesis at chilling temperatures, and that any volume limitation imposed by restriction of the enzyme to the bundle sheath can be overcome, at least in the case of M. x giganteus and related species
Cells, the enzyme phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase assimilates CO2 into oxaloacetate, which is metabolized into further C4 compounds that are transferred to, and decarboxylated in, bundle-sheath (BS) cells to raise [CO2] around the enzyme Rubisco (von Caemmerer and Furbank, 2003). Rubisco fixes this CO2 via the Calvin-Benson cycle in the BS. Relative to the leaves of C3 plants, C4 leaves achieve greater overall BS tissue area via a combination of higher vein density, enlarged BS cells, and more numerous BS cells (Christin et al, 2013; Lundgren et al, 2014)
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