
Atropa belladonna (Engl. deadly nightshade, Cro. velebilje, bunika) is a plant containing pharmacologically active, potentially toxic alkaloids: atropine, hyocyamine and scopolamine. The risk of poisoning in children is important because of possible confusion of black/dark blue belladonna fruit berries with other edible berries. There are many reports in literature of accidental intoxication but no report on traditional intentional usage to achieve hallucinogenic effects. Here we report purposeful ingestion of Atropa belladonna berries for hallucinatory effects among adolescents in Bjelovar region in north part of Croatia. This has been happening among children/adolescents while they were grazing animals. We visited a dozen villages in the region and spoke to the oldest mostly to the elderly residents. The existence of such abuse of Atropa belladonna berries in the first part of XX century was confirmed by eight narrators from five distinct places in the region. Interestingly this type of behavior had a specific name "bunanje", unknown in Croatian language, but clearly associated with local plant name bun or bunika. According to informants consumers of berries would develop delirium or hallucinations associated behavior, incoherent and meaningless speech. However nobody remembers any severe case of poisoning. At the regional hospital in Bjelovar in the Pediatric department, there is no record of poisoning with Atropa belladonna. To our knowledge this is the first report of intentional consumption of belladonna berries to achieve the hallucinogenic effect. The fact that the custom was observed in five distinct spots and it had its specific name "bunanje" suggest that those are not isolated random events but the type of practices; seasonal abuse of hallucinogenic berries of Atropa belladonna, among rural adolescents in the first part of XX century.

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