
A REPORT was published in 1963 on the synthesis and properties of unsaturated polyarylates containing allyl groups [lJ wMeh are capable o f giving crosslinked polymers, particularly by copolymerization with monomers. Up to now there has been no detailed information in the literature on copolymerization with any monomeric unsaturated polyesters containing allyl groups. Therefore, considering the properties of polymerization ofallyl monomers in general, prior to studying the copolymerization of unsaturated polyarylates containing allyl groups with certain monomers, it was advisable to investigate the homopolymerization of these monomers in order to determine the main :features of polymerization and evaluate comparative reactivities. We used the following monomers i~ the investigation: methyl methacrylate, styrene, ethylene glycol dimethaerylate, 2,2-di-(4-oxyphenyl)propyl(diane) diacrylate, diane dimethaerylate, diallyl phthalate, diallyl isophthalate and diallyl terephthalate (Table 1). Many detailed investigations are reported in the literature on bulk polymeriza. ¢ion of styrene and methyl methacrylate. Therefore, similar experiments with these monomers were only made to obtain the required data for comparison with other monomers which have been less investigated. Numerous papers have been published in recent years which are devoted ¢o polymerization producing crosslinked polymers. Some of these papers have important theoretical aspects since their object was the quantitative elucidat ion of gel formation, gel effect, eyclization, effect of diffusion, etc. [2-12]. However, these problems have not so far been completely elucidated and there are varying views on the mechanism and laws of three-dimensional polymerization. Of the tetra-functional monomers the glycol dimethacrylates and diacrylates [6, 10, 12-15] and diallyl phthalate [7, 11, 16-19, 21-23] have been studied in most detail. Polymerization of diallyl isophthalate and diallyl terephthalate ,[11, 16, 20], has been studied to a comparatively small extent and the polymers of bisphenol dimethacrylates and diaerylates are only described in patent literatu re [24].

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