
Little is known of the importance of mineral levels in buffalo semen or the relationship of the level of various elements to spermatozoan activity. To establish a basis upon which further studies could be conducted, the accessory glands (seminal vesicles, prostate and bulbo-urethrals) of 43 buffalo bulls (2–4 years old) with intact testes and eight steers (3–4 years old) were analysed for their content of bulk and trace elements. The ash obtained from known weights of various accessory glands was used to determine the concentrations of Na and K using emission flame photometry. P was determined chemically, whereas Ca, Mg, Cu, Fe and Zn were assayed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The accessory glands of intact bulls varied significantly in the concentration of all elements except Fe. Ca and Cu were relatively more concentrated in the seminal vesicles. The prostate had the highest concentration of Zn, while the highest concentrations of Na, K, Mg and P were found in the bulbo-urethral glands. Age of the bulls had no marked effect on any of the elements studied except Cu which appeared to decrease significantly in older bulls. Seasonal variation was significant for the levels of K, Ca and Zn. Castration appeared to result in a highly significant reduction of Zn concentration in all accessory glands.

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