
This paper proposes built-in self-test (BIST) and built-in self-repair (BISR) strategies for computing in memory (CIM), including a novel test method and two repair schemes. They all focus on mitigating the impacts of inherent and in-evitable CIM inaccuracy on convolution neural networks (CNNs). Regarding the proposed BIST strategy, it exploits the distributive law to achieve at-speed CIM tests without storing testing vectors or golden results. Besides, it can assess the severity of the inherent inaccuracies among CIM bitlines instead of only offering a pass/fail outcome. In addition to BIST, we propose two BISR strategies. First, we propose to slightly offset the dynamic range of CIM outputs toward the negative side to create a margin for negative noises. By not cutting CIM outputs off at zero, negative noises are preserved to cancel out positive noises statistically, and accuracy impacts are mitigated. Second, we propose to remap the bitlines of CIM according to our BIST outcomes. Briefly speaking, we propose to map the least noisy bitlines to be the MSBs. This remapping can be done in the digital domain without touching the CIM internals. Experiments show that our proposed BIST and BISR strategies can restore CIM to less than 1% Top-1 accuracy loss with slight hardware overhead.

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