
Timber log walls are a unique form of construction - erected from solid material, they are both a building structure and a thermal barrier. Walls of wooden logs have numerous advantages, especially favourable physical and mechanical properties, including insulation and thermal capacity. The technical conditions, which are the Polish interpretation of the Nearly Zero Energy Building (nZEB) building, which a newly designed building must meet, must meet 2 conditions simultaneously: the value of the EP index, which determines the annual calculated demand for non-renewable primary energy for heating, ventilation, cooling and preparation of domestic hot water for the entire building, and adequate thermal insulation of the external walls. Calculating the thermal insulation of a wood partition, relying only on thermal conductivity coefficients without considering other properties of the material, does not reflect the true insulating properties of wood. The lack of research on the insulating properties of wood, and thus the lack of national technical and installation requirements for log houses seriously limits the development of this type of construction and forces to undertake reliable research and development work in this area. The proposed introduction in this type of building of the methodology of the so-called Integrated Energy Design (IED) allows to carry out multi-criteria analysis of design variants at the stage of the virtual model in the BIM standard, in terms of the final energy efficiency of the building. Conducting various types of variant analyses and simulations allows to achieve optimal energy efficiency and to verify and correct the adopted solutions. The high energy efficiency of the building demonstrated by such simulations can be the basis for a deviation from the current regulations, which will allow the implementation of newly designed buildings in massive log technology, without the need for additional thermal insulation. As a result, it will be possible to preserve the unique architectural expression of buildings erected with this technology, with visible massive timber logs both on the exterior facades and on the interior.

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