
Dr Carole Adamson is Programme Lead for Social Work and teaches in the School of Counselling, Human Services and Social Work at the University of Auckland, where her interests centre on stress, trauma and resilience, with a focus upon curriculum development and the growth of robust social work practitioners. Associate Professor Liz Beddoe, MA (Social Work), Ph.D., teaches in the School of Counselling, Human Services and Social Work at the University of Auckland. Liz’s interests include critical perspectives on social work education, professional supervision, the sociology of occupations, the professionalisation project of social work, learning discourses, interprofessional learning and practitioner research. Allyson Davys has over thirty years’ experience in the health and social service sector as a practitioner, supervisor, educator, academic and researcher with extensive experience of providing education and training in tertiary, work-based and community settings. She has a particular interest in supervision and interprofessional learning and is currently Head of School of Social Development at Waikato Institute of Technology.

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