
Scientific evidence indicates that the community-based rehabilitation (CBR) model is recommended for recovery from mental disorders. However, this approach encounters barriers and often lacks implementation strategies. The aim of this study is to create a strategy for the implementation of CBR for mental health in Colombia through the identification of barriers and facilitators, together with the expected outcomes, from the perspective of mental health decision-makers in Colombia. This study adopts a qualitative descriptive approach, using focus group data collection methods and thematic analysis to code and analyze the data. A total of 208 individuals participated in the study, including mental health decision-makers and health care professionals. Intersectoral collaboration, contextualization, financial resources, and community commitment and autonomy were identified as barriers and facilitators. The element that was considered a priority for successful implementation was the contextualization of strategies. CBR needs to be strengthened through implementation science if these strategies are to be successfully developed and implemented in various contexts. http://links.lww.com/IJEBH/A210.

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