
Disiplin Kerja karyawan sangat penting untuk meningkatkan Kinerja karyawan. Disiplin kerja berkaitan erat dengan budaya kerja dan motivasi kerja karyawan. Disiplin kerja karyawan dihipotesiskan berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja karyawan di Industri Logam di Tegal. Penelitian ini dilakukan di dua tempat yaitu di Kota Tegal dan Kabupaten Tegal dari 100 data industry terdapat total populasi 170 karyawan, sesuai rumus Slovin di setiap perusahaan di ambil 2 sampai dengan 3 karyawan, dan diperoleh sampel 116 orang, sebagai sampel. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan Software Amos 22. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Budaya Kerja Karyawan dan Motivasi Kerja berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap Disiplin Kerja Karyawan dan berdampak positif pula pada Kinerja Karyawan. Penelitian ini untuk memberikan dukungan bagi pemilik maupun stakeholders dalam Pengambilan Keputusan bahwa Disiplin Kerja, di dasarkan Budaya Kerja dan Motivasi Kerja sangat tepat sehingga memberi pengaruh positif pada Kinerja Karyawan. 
 Employee work discipline is very important to improve employee performance. Work discipline is closely related to work culture and employee work motivation. Employee work discipline is hypothesized to have a positive effect on employee performance in the Metal Industry in Tegal. This research was conducted in two places, namely in Tegal City and Tegal Regency. From 100 industry data there was a total population of 170 employees. According to the Slovin formula, 2 to 3 employees were taken in each company, and a sample of 116 people was obtained as a sample. The research was conducted using Amos 22 Software. The results of the research show that Employee Work Culture and Work Motivation have a significant positive effect on Employee Work Discipline and also have a positive impact on Employee Performance. This research is to provide support for owners and stakeholders in making decisions that work discipline, based on work culture and work motivation, is very appropriate so that it has a positive influence on employee performance.

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