
This study aims to identify the culture of peaceful student Yogyakarta, based on the background of gender, ethnicity and other aspects of the culture of peace. The research approach using quantitative descriptive type. The population of the research is the Yogyakarta State University student. The research sample using simple random sampling a number of 210 students. Number of samples 78 male students and 132 female students. Collecting data using questionnaires. Data were analyzed using descriptive test and chi square test different. The research result is a culture of peaceful student Yogyakarta State Universisitas including high category. Faculty and ethnic backgrounds have differences in culture of peaceful student. No gender differences in student culture of peace. Students were high in this aspect of the culture of peace is love, harmony, tolerance, compassion or pity, caring and sharing and interdepency, while the introduction of aspects of the lives of others and thank aspects including very high category.


  • This study aims to identify the culture of peaceful student Yogyakarta, based on the background of gender, ethnicity and other aspects of the culture of peace

  • Kedelapan aspek dalam budaya damai mahasiswa menunjukkan tingginya pemahaman, sikap dan perilaku mahasiswa dalam cinta, harmoni, keharuan atau iba, toleransi, peduli dan berbagi serta interdependensi begitu pula aspek pengenalan jiwa orang lain dan aspek berterima kasih sangat tinggi dimiliki oleh mahasiswa

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Profil Budaya Damai Mahasiswa

Profil budaya damai mahasiswa berada pada rerata 417.90, dengan skor minimum 211 dan skor maksimum 521, artinya budaya damai mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta berada pada kategori Tinggi. Dan dengan hasil masing-masing rerata tiap fakultas bergerak di poin terendah 412.53 dampai 427.39 termasuk kategori Tinggi seperti dapat dilihat pada Tabel 1

Latar Belakang Fakultas Dengan Budaya Damai
Latar belakang Suku dengan Budaya Damai
Lampung Lombok Makasar Melayu Minang Sunda Tionghoa Toraja Total
Latar Belakang Fakultas Dalam Tiap Aspek Budaya Damai
Latar Belakang Jenis Kelamin dengan Budaya Damai
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