In Kotabaru, there is a culture known as bakiauan for wedding banquets. It is an attitude of mutual cooperation between residents as a family and emotional strength to work together to minimize the high cost of wedding parties in their area that has been carried out for generations by the community. This article will analyze the culture in depth by considering two values, namely Islamic and socio-cultural values. This research aims to find out about how the culture of social norms and religiosity of the community integrate each other in this bakiauan culture. The method used in this research is the analysis of primary legal materials in the form of the Koran and relevant Hadiths, literature studies, and interviews with several Kotabaru people who have carried out this culture for generations with a sociological approach. Based on this, the results show that the preservation of this culture is motivated by a sense of family and strong emotional ties. So that with the announcement of a wedding party in their community, residents automatically come to help each other fulfill the various needs of the wedding event. The Islamic perspective is used to provide a view that the importance of a sense of Taawun (helping) between fellow humans to ease each other's burdens and an unbroken sense of friendship. The Socio-cultural perspective is used to explain the sociological aspects contained in this culture so that the sense of kinship between communities is getting stronger which goes straight with the noble culture of the Indonesian nation. This discussion leads to the importance of preserving this culture which has a positive influence on society, especially helping during sacred ceremonies, namely marriage events that require a lot of money. This article is expected to be able to contribute to readers about the importance of helping in matters of worship to get closer to God through the Bakiauan culture.
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