
Globalization is a reality of contemporary society, which cannot be ignored being present in all domains of life wherever we are. It is not only an academic debate theme, but it also appears as a process of our existence interdependences, dominating however we relate to it, even if we reject or accept it. The national identity, which formed the ideological basis for the national states, is presently facing with the phenomenon of cultural globalization, which brings together national cultures, but also melts identities. Based on the principle of action-reaction, the globalization founds the reverse into the processes of regionalization, localization, organization of the economical-social life closer to the individual and his needs. The Bucharest integrated architectural culture model (BIACM) brings into the debate the content and the structure of information coming from various domains of culture and social sciences which could become part of the new augmented reality structures, actual form of media communication.

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