
This symposium highlights the importance of gender and diversity in entrepreneurial opportunities and the role that entrepreneurial ventures play in solving social and environmental challenges. By exploring entrepreneurial diversity in terms of people, contexts, and mission – by women and minorities, in higher education, Latin America, through crowdfunded organizations, etc. – the key objective of this symposium is to explore how communication, team diversity, and the practice of sustainable entrepreneurship can be enhanced by gender and diversity considerations. The papers in the symposium broaden our understanding of factors that have come to shape the practice of sustainable entrepreneurship and opportunities for new venture creation to generate social impact. New Venture Start-up Teams: Economic Sustainability, Survivability, and Diversity Presenter: Dawn DeTienne; Colorado State U. Presenter: Troy Victor Mumford; Colorado State U. Presenter: M. Travis Maynard; Colorado State U. The Battle of the Sexes: An Empirical Investigation of Founder Gender Effects in Environmental Eship Presenter: Siddharth Vedula; Babson College Presenter: Sanwar A. Sunny; U. of Baltimore Complements or substitutes? An Organizational learning perspective on female mindset diffusion Presenter: Lilach Trabelsi; U. of Geneva Presenter: Maurizio Zollo; Imperial College Business School Presenter: Mario Daniele Amore; Bocconi U. Presenter: Paola Profeta; Bocconi U. Women and Responsible Entrepreneurship, Evidence from B Corporations in Latin America Presenter: Jorge Davalos; U. del Pacífico Presenter: Maria Priale; U. del Pacífico Presenter: Bryan Daza; U. del Pacifico Presenter: Frances Ninahuanca; U. del Pacifico Institutional Constraints in the Informal Economy: Decision to Register in an Informal Market Presenter: Arielle Newman; U. of Southern Mississippi Mirror vs. Mold: Do University Websites Create Bias in Male-dominated Majors? Presenter: Rosanna Garcia; U. of Denver Presenter: Dan Baack; Ball State U. Developing Sustainability Learning at Higher Education Institutions Presenter: Beatriz Rivera; U. of Puerto Rico Presenter: Sylvia Lopez-Palau; U. of Puerto Rico The Climate Change Entrepreneur: Realizing Imaginary Futures Presenter: Kathi Kaesehage; U. of Edinburgh Presenter: Richard T. Harrison; U. of Edinburgh

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