Quantum information processors benefit from high clock frequencies to fully harness quantum advantages before they are lost to decoherence. All-optical systems offer unique benefits due to their inherent 100-THz carrier frequency, enabling the development of THz-clock frequency processors. However, the bandwidth of quantum light sources and measurement devices has been limited to the MHz range, with nonclassical state generation rates in the kHz range. In this study, we demonstrated broadband generation and quantum tomography of non-Gaussian states using an optical parametric amplifier (OPA) as a squeezed light source and an optical phase-sensitive amplifier (PSA). Our system includes a 6-THz squeezed-light source, a 6-THz PSA, and a 66-GHz homodyne detector. We successfully generated non-Gaussian states at a 0.9 MHz rate with sub-nanosecond wave packets using a continuous-wave laser. The performance is currently limited by the jitter of superconducting detectors, restricting the usable bandwidth to 1 GHz. Our technique extends the bandwidth to GHz, potentially increasing non-Gaussian state generation rates for practical optical quantum processors using OPAs.
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