
After the preschool, primary school is the first educational institution where the pupil encounters difficulties in the learning process. The first years of schooling form the basis for further education, influencing the child's social, physical, cognitive, emotional, and psychological development. For this development to be successful, it is essential to be aware of the pedagogical demands placed upon children and their resources in meeting them. Considering the peculiarities of the primary school age group, the curriculum requirements and desired outcomes can be rated as very high, which a pupil can only achieve with an increased effort, extra learning hours and prolonged concentration – the resources that are not characteristic for primary school pupils. As the requirements exceed the resources on the regular basis, the child is exposed to increased stress level, and if it is prolonged, the child's overall development is adversely affected, as well as his/her attitude and abilities. In this stage, it is important to ensure positive development of systematic and purposeful working skills, healthy self-confidence, cooperation and self-management skills, so that the child develops as a self-sufficient, active citizen of Latvia. Formation of a positive stress experience in the childhood supports successful child’s personal growth and development in the future. In the pedagogical process, it is important not only to identify the causes of children's stress, but also to teach how to reduce stress and how to manage the consequences. Further research and particularly action research studies are needed in primary schools of Latvia fully assessing the children’s workloads in practice and determining the level of stress associated with learning.

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