
Social studies education plays an important role in preparing students for a diverse, pluralistic democratic citizenry (NCSS 2010). While the field has made some gains in addressing the needs of various marginalized communities within the curriculum, there has been very little progress in incorporating LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer) people and their experiences in the social studies (Jennings 2006). As such, this article gives a rationale for the inclusion of LGBTQ figures and their allies within the social studies and provides an overview of ways in which teachers can successfully incorporate LGBTQ topics into the social studies. The authors present one such project, entitled The Difference Maker Project, which aims to get students to research, listen, and advocate in the exploration of a constitutional LGBTQ issue. In closing, the authors contend that by adding LGBTQ topics into the curriculum teachers can begin to eradicate the erasure and misinformation surrounding a group of people and their history within the social studies. This not only gives a more truthful account of history but also provides a more hospitable educational environment for LGBTQ students.

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