
The aim of the study is to conduct an analysis of the activities of multi-professional teams that provide assistance to patients on an outpatient basis suffering from mental and behavioral disorders. Methods of work. The data were obtained during the processing of federal statistical observation forms No. 30 “Information about the medical organization” and No. 36 “Information about the contingents of mentally ill patients” in the Russian Federation as a whole in dynamics over 5 years (from 2016 to 2020). Both extensive and intensive values were analyzed. The calculations of the rate of increase (decrease). Results. Brigade forms of medical care for patients with mental disorders are a promising direction in the development of mental health services. Thus, the indicator of the proportion of patients suffering from chronic and protracted mental disorders with severe persistent or often exacerbating painful manifestations, covered by brigade forms of mental health care, in the total number of patients undergoing dispensary observation, was achieved in 2019, however, due to the spread of COVID-19, was not achieved in 2020. There has been a slight increase in the provision of the population with psychiatrists, medical psychologists and social work specialists. At the same time, the provision of the population with psychotherapists and social workers is decreasing. Despite the absence of regulated norms for the composition of such teams, classically all of the above specialists are part of polyprofessional teams. Conclusions. The current shortage of personnel, as well as the decline of psychotherapists and social workers, indicate the need to take measures to attract specialists to mental health services. In addition, the development of a regulatory document governing the composition of the teams is required.

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