
BRIEFER NOTICES Compiled by Barbara L. Curtis The annual spring meeting of the Friends Historical Association was held on Sunday, June 2, 1985, at the Concord Friends Meeting House, Concordville, Penn. Following attendance at meeting for worship with Concord Friends, a group of over sixty persons enjoyed a picnic lunch on the attractive grounds of the meeting in the company of members of the Friends Social Union. Concord Meeting members kindly provided beverages and dessert. The afternoon meeting was opened by John M. Moore, president of the Association , who introduced Charles Walker, a member of Concord Meeting, who recounted some highlights of the history of Concord Meeting. The principal speaker of the occasion was Dr. Donald Kelly, a member of the history faculty at Villanova University, who gave an account ofthe life and work ofJoshua Evans, a New Jersey contemporary of John Woolman. * * * The Friends Historical Association suffered a serious loss in die death of Eleanore Price Mather, long a member of die board and for many years also chairperson of die Entertainment Committee. A recognized scholar of die work of Quaker artist Edward Hicks, Eleanore Mauler's great contributions to die work ofuie Association will be keenly missed. * * * Plans are progressing for die sixtíi biennial Conference of Quaker Historians and Archivists. The gatiiering will take place at Malone College, North Canton, Ohio, from June 24-26, 1986. This is a change from the date previously announced. The program has not yet been formalized and persons desiring to present papers or serve as responders should write prompdy to Damon Hickey, Curator of die Friends Historical Collection at Guilford College, Greensboro, NC 27410. * * * Friends in Canada have announced an important event in die history of Canada Yearly Meeting. An invitation has been extended by uie Canadian Friends Historical Association, Canada Yearly Meeting of Friends, and uie Corporation of Pickering College to attend the dedication of die Arthur Garratt Dorland Friends Historical Collection at Pickering College, Newmarket, Ont., on August 15, 1985. A reception and tea will follow die dedication. 68 ...

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