
Articles and Publications Barbara L. Curtis, Editor Crosslands 188 Kennett Square, PA 19348 North Carolina Yearly Meeting and North Carolina Friends Historical Society have jointly published two additional histories about North Carolina Friends. These accounts of local Friends meetings continue the work of recording the story of Quakerism in this part of the south. Hiram H. Hilty, long associated with Guilford College and with Friends' missionary activity in Cuba and elsewhere, has written Greensboro Monthly Meeting ofFriends, a New Meeting for a New Age. An accomplished scholar, as well as an active Friends minister, Hilty has done an excellent job of recording the eighty-five year history of one of several Friends meetings in Greensboro. The book is amply illustrated, contains a valuable bibliography and has an index. It is available from local book stores and from the North Carolina Friends Historical Society at Box 850, Greensboro, NC 27419. Price is $7.50 plus $1.00 postage. The second of these histories is by James K. Thompson and has the title, New Hope Friends Meeting and the Elroy Community, a History. This story of the growth of Quakerism in Wayne County in the vicinity of Goldsboro is well documented and includes detailed notes, photographs, a bibliography and an index. It may be obtained from the above-mentioned address at a price of $7.50. Also, Seth B. Hinshaw has published The Spoken Ministry Among Friends: Three Centuries of Progress and Development. Recognizing that much written on this topic has appeared in a variety of scattered sources, Hinshaw expresses the view that a need exists for "an overview which would put the development of the Quaker ministry into historical perspective." His work is designed to accomplish this task. It also may be obtained from the North Carolina Friends Historical Society. Readers are reminded that the two recent publications of the Friends Historical Association are still available in limited numbers. Persons desiring to obtain them may write to the association at the Quaker Collection, Haverford College Library, Haverford, PA 19041 . They are Friends in theDelaware Valley, edited by John M. Moore, available in paper at $3.00 or in hardback at $5.00; and the more recently published Seeking the Light: Essays in Honor ofEdwin B. Bronner, also edited by John M. Moore, which may be had for $16.00. All books have postage and handling charges and tax where applicable. The editor has received a copy of a serial entitled Quaker Queries, Issue 7, 1987. It is noted here because of its success in promoting the sharing of genealogical information among the large group of persons in the country of Quaker lineage. Appearing irregularly at a cost of $5.00 per issue and growing steadily in number of subscribers, Quaker Queries is produced by Ruth Simonson Macneil. She may be reached for further details at 4015 Marguerite Road, Spokane, WA 99212. Three reprints of earlier publications in Quaker history deserve mention at this time. The first of these is Isabel Ross's important work Margaret Fell, Mother of Quakerism. First published in 1949 by Longmans Green, it was reissued in 1984 under the imprint of William Sessions Book Trust, The Ebor Press, York, England. In keeping with the author's intentions, certain of her 60 Articles and Publications61 corrections and emendations have been incorporated into this printing. It contains notes to the 1984 edition and includes Ross's Preface to the first edition. The notes contain a very comprehensive discussion of the important issue of dates and the changes occurring in documentation of 18th century events according to the use of the Gregorian or the Julian calendars. These notes are the work of Edward H. Milligan and Malcolm J. Thomas of Friends Library, London. In 1985 Friends United Press issued a reprint in paperback of Hugh Barbour 's Quakers in Puritan England. It is available from bookstores and the Friends United Press in Richmond, IN 47374, at $14.95 plus postage. The third reprint item is Elizabeth Gray Vining's excellent volume on William Penn which was reissued as Penn in 1985 by the Book Services Committee of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. Copies at $7.95 plus postage and handling are available...

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