
The question of the functioning of bridges and bridges’ structures in the urban environment, their significant importance in increasing not only its comfort, but also aesthetic characteristics are highlighted in the article. The world theory and practice of using bridges has shown their significant evolutionary progress. From ordinary straight communication routes, bridges gradually acquired new functions, aesthetic qualities and complex spatial solutions – to multifunctional bridges’ structures. Bridges take an active part in the creation of urban multi-level public spaces. Above-ground pedestrian bridges and flyovers convincingly prove the priority of pedestrians and bicycles over cars. They perform not only the function of overpasses. Thanks to the arrangement of such objects with greenery, small architectural forms and landscaping elements, a comfortable space for people to stay is created. Modern bridges have also become a decoration of urban spaces, original art objects, magnets of attraction for citizens and guests. They draw attention to themselves, hold the aesthetic component of the urban environment. In the further practice of their design and implementation, ecological bridges made of containers and natural plants, bicycle bridges in the city centre, museum bridges, gallery bridges, sky bridges and loop bridges found their place. And this is far from the entire list of bridges. The formation of the urban environment and the distribution of “responsibilities” between its main components (dominant-accent-background) are significantly influenced by the degree of manifestation of the compositional techniques of the relationship “city – environment”, “bridge’s structure – environment”. Modern trends in the inclusion of bridges in the urban environment are also revealed in the article. These are ecological orientation, multi-functionality, innovation in the use of technologies and barrier-free.

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