
This article examines a reference in the Annals of Inisfallen concerning material objects given by Diarmait mac Maíl na mBó to Tairdelbach Ua Briain, or possibly taken by Tairdelbach from Diarmait. It considers the origins and transmissions of these objects, and in particular tries to identify the ‘king of the Saxons’ and how his standard came into Diarmait’s possession, in the context of other similar objects in Ireland and beyond. Further, this article discusses the power dynamics between Diarmait and Tairdelbach, including notions of tuarastal, overlordship and alliance, by comparing this annalistic item to others that are similar and considering the wider political situation. This investigation sheds some light on annalistic reportage as well as on Irish kings’ relationships both with the family of Harold Godwinson and with the Normans in England.

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