
Breed’s biblical pastoral model Scripturally grounded in 2 Peter 1:3–11: An exegetical elucidation: In his recent research, Gert Breed has formulated a biblical pastoral model. From his own publications as well as from publications of other researchers, it is clear that Breed’s model is of great value to pastoral counsellors. Although elements of the model are included in other people’s research publications, Breed has not yet published a complete description of his model. The purpose of this article is to provide Breed’s pastoral model with a biblical foundation from 2 Peter 1:3–11 within the context of the entire letter. The method used in this study was to do exegesis of 2 Peter 1:3–11 according to the grammatical-historical model, and to use the results of the exegesis to biblically ground the different elements of Breed’s pastoral model. The article found that seven important elements of Breed’s model can be Scripturally grounded in 2 Peter 1:3–11, namely: (1) the meta-theoretical starting point regarding the Bible as the Word of God; (2) the need for someone receiving counselling to be born again; (3) the importance of a counselee’s relationship with God; (4) change in the life of a counselee through insight; (5) external and internal motivation of a counselee; (6) perseverance in a new life; and (7) the counselee as diakonos of Jesus Christ. Breed’s pastoral model is already useful for pastoral counsellors. The exegetical grounding presented in this study increases the usefulness of the model.


  • Contribution: This article makes a contribution to the usefulness of Breed’s pastoral model by providing it, on the basis of exegesis, with a closer biblical foundation

  • Breed (2017) is dit duidelik dat dit bruikbaar is in die berading van gelowiges wat aan pornografie verslaaf is sowel as gelowiges met ’n narsistiese persoonlikheidsteuring (Breed 2019b:1–19)

  • Dit is veral in die twee gedeeltes, 2 Petrus6 1:12–15 en 3:1–2, waar Petrus7 die doel van sy skrywe aandui (Breed & Janse van Rensburg 2001:412) waarin die pastorale aard van die skrywe sigbaar word

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Original Research

Breed se bybelse pastorale model Skriftuurlik begrond in 2 Petrus 1:3–11: ’n Eksegetiese toeligting. Breed’s biblical pastoral model Scripturally grounded in 2 Peter 1:3–11: An exegetical elucidation: In his recent research, Gert Breed has formulated a biblical pastoral model. Breed se model gebruik as ’n raamwerk vir ’n prakties teologiese model vir die pastorale sorg en berading van die gesinne met dowe kinders. In die lig van Pretorius en Nickols se studies is in hierdie artikel aanvaar dat G. Hoewel hierdie artikel die pastorale model van G. Hierdie artikel poog om tot die bruikbaarheid van die model by te dra, deur op ’n eksegetieswetenskaplike wyse verdere bybelse begronding uit 2 Petrus aan die model te bied. Daar word in hierdie artikel gekonsentreer op die bybelse begronding wat 2 Petrus 1:3–11 binne die konteks van die hele brief bied. 1.Twee persone met dieselfde van, naamlik Douw en Gert Breed word in die artikel deur hulle voorletters onderskei

Open Access
Die metateoretiese vertrekpunt aangaande die Bybel as die Woord van God
Die noodsaak van wedergeboorte
Intense verhouding met God
Verandering en insig
Eksterne en interne motivering
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