
The cancer of the breast is a significant cause of female death worldwide, but especially in developing countries. For better results and higher survival rates, early diagnosis and screening are crucial. Machine learning (ML) methods can aid in the initialdiscovery and diagnosis of breast cancer by choosing the most informative elements from medical data and eliminating irrelevant ones. The approach of feature extraction involves taking unstructured data and extracting a representative set of characteristics that may be used to classify or forecast data. The aim is to decrease the dimensionality of the feature space while upholding or even refining the accuracy of the ML model. An artificial intelligence model is developed on the given features to categorize mammography images into benign and malignant groups. Different supervised learning techniques, including support vector machines, random forests, and artificial neural networks, are employed and contrasted in order to select the best-performing model. This research offers a comprehensive framework for utilizing machine learning methods to detect breast cancer. The technique demonstrates how it might assist radiologists in the early detection of breast cancer by effectively extracting and selecting critical characteristics that could improve patient outcomes and potentially save lives.

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