
The process of economic integration between Argentina and Brazil started in 1986 with the signing of a series of sectored and topical protocols. After March 1991, with the Treaty of Asuncion, new dynamics and dimensions were established that involved the incorporation of Uruguay and Paraguay as well in a common economic space called the Mercado Comuin del Cono Sur (Southern Cone Common Market-MERCOSUR). Many writers have approached the fundamental economic and commercial aspects of this issue, as well as those referring to international relations. Therefore, I shall concentrate strictly on the theme of MERCOSUR and democracy in Brazil. I shall summarize the experiences of popular actors seeking a more democratic pattern of procedures and the identification of social justice and welfare politics as the core of the process of regional integration. In fact, the original conception of the integration process omitted any participation of organized sectors of the region's societies in its formulation and implementation. But this style of process management (which, in any case, left a nonpublic space open for the operation of corporate interest groups) moved the societies away from the discussion that would have allowed public ownership of the initiative based on broad discussions about the different alternatives or possibilities of integration. It is important to stress that not a single significant sector of Brazilian society took an up-front stand against the regional integration initiative: the criticism came from different places and may be summarized as questioning the limitations of the process and not its strategic intentions. This criticism pointed to the lack of consultation with regard to the Treaty of Asuncion and the integration procedures; the consequent absence of debate and exchange of information, and the limited mechanisms foreseen for interest groups' participation and representation; the emphasis on

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