
Study of the peculiarities of the "brain drain" in the conditions of a full-scale war between Russia and Ukraine, as well as consideration and formation of management decisions regarding potential re-emigration policy, especially in the context of the academic community (teachers and scientists). The key methodological basis was the interdisciplinary approach, which made it possible to apply the work of both political scientists and state managers, as well as economists, sociologists, and psychologists, to the given problem. Dialectical and comparative methods were also important, which made it possible to reveal the contradictions and specifics of the implementation of the state policy of preventing "brain drain" and "brain gain". The authors considered data from sociological surveys, as well as statistical data published by the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, which made it possible to identify a kind of regularity – in both cases, approximately 10% of scientists/teachers were outside the borders of our country. Considering the project of the state policy of "brain growth" (more precisely, re-emigration), it was established that recommendations in this context should be formulated not only for the donor country itself but also for migrants, the recipient country, and international organizations. Using the work of not only specialists in public management and administration but also related humanities – sociology, psychology, and philosophy, makes it possible to reveal the problem of "brain drain" in our country in a multilevel and comprehensive way, thereby seeing in this problem not only a purely sociopolitical aspect but also personal and existential. Management challenges related to this issue are not only in the formation of re-emigration policy but also in preventing (or at least minimizing) academic migration in the future, which should be based on such key points as social partnership and tolerance.

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