Angioedemaisdefined as a non-inflammatory, localized, transientedema of the subcutaneous and/or submucosal tissues, thatappearswithin a few hours and disappearscompletelyafter the attack. Bradykinin-mediatedangioedemais rare, accounts for 1% of angioedemas and canbe life-threateningwhenit affects the upperairways. It must bedifferentiatedfromallergic histamine-mediatedangioedema, which carries a risk of anaphylaxis, and the more common non-allergic histamine-mediatedangiœdema, whichisonlyexceptionally life-threatening. Lack of knowledge of thispathologycan lead to the administration of treatmentsusuallyused to treatupperairway oedema but ineffective in the case of bradykininmediatedangioedema (corticosteroids, antihistaminic, adrenaline). Thus, anyangiœdemaoccurringabove the shoulders and not or incompletelyresponding to anaphylaxistreatment should lead to the suspicion and the treatment of bradykinin-mediatedangiœdema and to the administration of a specifictreatment. Evenminorsurgery, any invasive diagnostic procedure, pregnancy, and physical or emotional stress can trigger an angioedemaattack.We report the case of a patient from the ObstetricGynecologyDepartmentatCHU IBN SINA in RABAT.
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