
Abstract We propose a BOundary Update using Resolvent (BOUR) partitioned method, second-order accurate in time, unconditionally stable, for the interaction between a viscous, incompressible fluid and a thin structure. The method is algorithmically similar to the sequential Backward Euler - Forward Euler implementation of the midpoint quadrature rule. (i) The structure and fluid sub-problems are first solved using a Backward Euler scheme, (ii) the velocities of fluid and structure are updated on the boundary via a second-order consistent resolvent operator, and then (iii) the structure and fluid sub-problems are solved again, using a Forward Euler scheme. The stability analysis based on energy estimates shows that the scheme is unconditionally stable. Error analysis of the semi-discrete problem yields second-order convergence in time. The two numerical examples confirm theoretical convergence analysis results and show an excellent agreement between the proposed partitioned scheme and the monolithic scheme.

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