
Despite a series of supportive policies over the years, economic diversification remains an obscurity for Botswana. The economy remains heavily dependent on diamond mining, while the private sector, considered pivotal in the strategy for diversification, continues to be shallow and narrow, with weak inter sectoral diversity and production links. In addition to proliferation of fragmented, uncoordinated policies and/or strategies, which have seriously undermined implementation and monitoring (and accountability in the case of institutions), the paper identifies passive political commitment, especially with regard to supporting innovation, research and development as some of the major contributing factors to sluggish progress on economic diversification. Government‟s slow rate of response towards addressing factors that inhibit private sector growth and competitiveness (including utility costs, cost of capital, access to land etc) in yester years has also compounded the problem. With renewed vigor and excitement in government in recent times, especially with regard to the “Excellence Strategy” and the “Economic Diversification Drive”, it is imperative that these factors be taken on board, otherwise these latest initiatives will only perpetuate what has been the case over the years. Keywords: Economic Diversification, Implementation, monitoring and accountability, Political commitment

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