
The purpose of the article is to describe the agricultural layer of botanical vocabulary in the Bulgarian dialects, to study and systematize a terminological vocabulary. The subject of the article consideration is a description of agricultural phytonyms functioning. Results of our researches are presented description of Bulgarian dialect phytonyms. Names of cereal and technical cultures, garden and spicy gustatory plants functioning in the Bulgarian dialects of Ukrainian Danube region are revealed, generalized and classified. General description of spatial differentiation of botanical vocabulary is given. Observed, phytonyms investigated in the Bulgarian dialects in the south of Ukraine, represent the characteristic features of local dialects and answer basic principles of nomination, characteristic for phytonyms of Bulgarian. Methodology comprises an issue of vocabulary layer of agricultural phytonyms gives a sufficient idea about character of dialectal vocabulary, its survived dialectal archaic signs. The majority of investigational phytonyms in the Bulgarian dialects of south of Ukraine is formed on general slavic basis. However they have a semantic specific of local dialects. Some of them are adopted from the Turkish, Greek, Romanian, Russian languages.

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