
Introduction. The article deals with the basic phonetic; morphological and lexical features of the dialect of the village Gorodne (the previous name was Chiyshiya); Bolgrad district of the Odessa region. The research of rare features of Chiyshiya dialect allows to determine its genesis and place among other Bulgarian resettlement dialects in Ukraine and in the metropolis. The purpose of the study is to determine phonetic; morphological and lexical features that enable to determine the type of dialect. The object of the research is the Bulgarian resettlement dialects of the South of Ukraine; the subject of the research is the dialect of the village Gorodne (Chiyshiya). The material was collected during the expeditions in the village Gоrodne and from the dictionary of the village of Kalchevo; where also the speakers of the Chiyshiya dialect live. The main methods of research are descriptive; comparative and semantic-etymological analysis of the studied lexemes. The study found that the largest number of common features in the phonetic and lexical system of the Chisinau dialect has the southeastern and southwestern dialects of the metropolis. Composing of the dictionary of Bulgarian resettlement dialects in Ukraine and the dictionary of Balkanisms is possible practical implementation of the research results. In the research we have come to the following conclusions.We have come to the following results. The Chiyshiya dialect does not belong to the northeastern Bulgarian dialects; it contains a number of features of the ъ- type Balkan languages; southeast and even the southwest Bulgarian dialects. The largest number of phonetic; grammatical and lexical similarities is recorded in the Rupski and southwest Bulgarian dialects. A striking example of this is the presence of iterative verbs; which are recorded by Bulgarian dialectologists mainly in southwest dialects. Iterative verbs are one of the characteristic features of the Rupski dialects. They are recorded in the East Macedonian and the Solunski dialects. Archaic types of iterative verbal forms are formed by the type of old infinitive foundations -ova-; -ieva; that is from suf. -ова (in dialects -ува): казовам; видьовам; пцовам (псувам); плодновам; празновам; легновам. Some of them existed in the Old Bulgarian language: миновам; заминовам; поминовам; заникновам; etc. The softness of the consonants (such as шел’чи; казан’чи; мийун’чи; мъл’ч’ешна вудъ; гъл’чъ; etc.) in the Chiyshiya dialects and the stability of the consonant в are characteristic features of the south-western Bulgarian and some of Rupski dialects.A characteristic feature of the Rupski and Chiyshiya dialects is also the двадам; доходам (in the Chiyshiya dialect - дувадъм - дохождам); сятам (усещам); флявам (влизам); испъдам; фатам; etc.; which also occur in the Rhodopes. To lexical rarities of dialect of the village Gorodne Urban belongs to the lexemes: кутел 'mortar'; кутле 'little finger'; пипон 'melon'; кълвун 'beak'; кръстачки 'a kind of product from dough'; ирмик 'belt'; бурдел 'cellar'; върбило 'bucket handle'; кулкуш 'doghouse'; чавре 'embroidered nose handkerchief'; мумари 'participants of the wedding ceremony'; колдзури 'a kind of embroidery'; and others. Only in the village Gorodne was recorded the great holiday-procession - напрът; the names of products from the dough - тутманик; дърпъници; кръстатки. The verb гълча 'to talk' is used in the Chiyshiya dialect dialects. For the Chiyshiya dialect; a loanword from the Greek is also typical: гиран 'well'; пипон 'melon'; and кутел 'wooden mortar'. Only in the Chiyshiya group of dialects we find the lexeme магалка; маалка (corn stalks); which is recorded mostly in the southeastern and southwestern Bulgarian dialects. Much of the lexical rarities are the names of clothing and ornaments: манофел; антерия; джубе; казакиня; кюрк; гашти на вуркузун; ферджа; баска; чепрази; etc. They are mostly borrowed from Turkish language. The Conclusion. It is necessary to research deeply the vocabulary of the Bulgarian resettlement dialects in terms of linguistic geography and history in order to determine their long-standing ties with other South Slavic dialects and to trace a chronology of common elements.

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