
Maytenus senegalensis (Lam.) Exell (Celastraceae) is a shrub or tree, growing in the semidesertic regions of both Asia and Africa and largely used in traditional medicine [1]. The leaf is used in East Africa to treat different diseases such as inflammations, respiratory diseases and sores [2]. Triterpenes and phenol compounds were detected on the leaf and in vitro antiplasmodial, antileishmanial and antibacterial activities were reported for this part of the plant [3, 4]. Hereby we present the results of a morphologic and anatomic study conducted in order to identify useful markers for the diagnosis of this medicinal plant as an herbal drug. Used methodology includes the macroscopic and microscopic analysis of the whole, fragmentised and powdered dried leaves. The observations were performed in a minimum of 30 adult leaves. Additionally, scanning electron microscopy was used for plant material characterization. Results showed that among the most useful characters for leaf identification are the isobilateral organization of the parenchyma, with palisade parenchyma on both epidermises; the presence of calcium oxalate cluster crystals, isolated or inserted into the palisade parenchyma; and the characteristic epidermal cells with sinuous walls, a smooth cuticle and paracytic stomata more frequent in lower epidermis. Obtained results allowed the establishment of the botanical criteria essential for the M. senegalensis leaf identification and should be included in the quality control monographs of this medicinal plant.

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