
Nowadays, the imbalanced nature of some real-world data is receiving a lot of attention from the pattern recognition and machine learning communities in both theoretical and practical aspects, giving rise to different promising approaches to handling it. However, preprocessing methods operate in the original input space, presenting distortions when combined with kernel classifiers, that operate in the feature space induced by a kernel function. This paper explores the notion of empirical feature space (a Euclidean space which is isomorphic to the feature space and therefore preserves its structure) to derive a kernel-based synthetic over-sampling technique based on borderline instances which are considered as crucial for establishing the decision boundary. Therefore, the proposed methodology would maintain the main properties of the kernel mapping while reinforcing the decision boundaries induced by a kernel machine. The results show that the proposed method achieves better results than the same borderline over- sampling method applied in the original input space.KeywordsFeature SpaceInput SpaceKernel MatrixTraining PatternMinority ClassThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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