
The Grand Mufti: Hajj Amin al‐Hussaini, Founder of the Palestinian National Movement. By Zvi Elpeleg. London, Frank Cass, 1993 The Russians in Israel: the Ordeal of Freedom. By Naomi Shepherd. London, Simon and Schuster, 1993. 223 pp. £9.99. Israel and the Peace Process, 1977–1982: in Search of Legitimacy for Peace. By Yaacov Bar‐Siman‐Tov. Albany, State University of New York, Press, 1994. 338 pp. $21.95. Confidence Building and Verification: Prospects in the Middle East. Edited by Shai Feldman. Boulder, Westview Press for the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies, 1994. 255 pp. Deterrence in the Middle East: When Theory and Practice Converge. Edited by Aharon Klieman and Ariel Levite. Boulder, Westview Press for the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies, 1993. 164 pp. Scripture and Translation. By Martin Buber and Franz Rosenzweig. Translated by Lawrence Rosenwald with Everett Fox. Bloomington and Indianapolis, Indiana University Press, 1994. 223 pp. Theodor Herzl. From Assimilation to Zionism. By Jacques Kornberg. Bloomington and Indianapolis, Indiana University Press, 1994. 240 pp. Israel, Second Edition (in the World Bibliographical Series). Compiled by C.H. Bleaney. Oxford, Clio Press, 1994. 367 pp. £56.

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