
Book reviewed in this article:Basic Skills Research: Bibliography of Research in Adult Literacy and Basic Skills 1972–1992. London: Basic Skills Unit.Computers and the Collaborative Experience of Learning. By Charles Crook.Crisis in the Primary Classroom. By Maurice Galton. London: David Fulton.Literacy, Home and School: Research and Practice in Teaching Literacy with Parents. By Peter Hannon. London: The Falmer Press.Children in Poverty, Child Development and Public Policy. Edited by Aletha C. Huston.Understanding Soccer Hooliganism. By John H. Kerr.Improving Reading: A Teacher's Guide to Peer‐Tutoring. By Frank Merrett. London: David Fulton.Effective Assessment and the Improvement of Education. A Tribute to Desmond Nuttall. By Roger Murphy and Patricia Broadfoot.Tales and Transformations: Stories in Family and Family Therapy. By Janine Roberts.Understanding Mentoring: Reflective Strategies for School‐based Teacher Preparation. By Peter Tomlinson.The Struggle for Change: The Story of One School. By Marvin Wideen.

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