
Datta S. Kharbas and Rama Nath Sharma, Sanskrit Grammar: a Bibliography of Selected Western Language Materials (Rochester, Center for Asian Studies, University of Rochester, 1974), xi, 62 pp. $US8.00. Charlotte Vaudeville, Kabir. Volume I (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1974), xiv, 340 pp. £7.50. K. M. de Silva (ed.), History of Ceylon. Volume III: From the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century to 1948 (Peradeniya, University of Ceylon Press Board, 1974), xiii, 579 pp. $US12.50. I. A. Khan, The Political Biography of a Mughal Noble: Mun'im Khan‐i Khanan, 1497–1575 (New Delhi, Orient Longmans for the Department of History, Aligarh Muslim University, 1973), xx, 188 pp. Rs 40.00. A Study of Portuguese Regimentos on Sri Lanka at the Goa Archives, edited and translated with an introduction by Tikiri Abeyasinghe (Colombo, Department of National Archives [1974?]) v, 96 pp. No price stated. Selections from the Dutch Records of the Government of Sri Lanka. Memoir of Julius Stein van Gollenesse, Governor of Ceylon, 1743–1751, for his Successor, Geriet Joan Vreeland, 28 February 1751. Translated and edited with an introduction and notes by Sinnapah Arasaratnam (Colombo, Department of National Archives, Sri Lanka. 1971), viii, 154 pp. No price stated. Bawa Satinder Singh, The Jammu Fox: a Biography of Maharaja Gulah Singh of Kashmir 1792–1857 (Carbondale and Edwardsville, Southern Illinois University Press, 1974) xvi, 263 pp. $US15.00. K. Thairani, British Political Missions to Sind: a Narrative of Negotiations from 1799 to 1843 leading up to the State's Annexation (New Delhi, Orient Longmans, 1973), vii, 193 pp. Rs 25. Charles Lee Keeton, 3rd, King Thebaw and the Ecological Rape of Burma: the Political and Commercial Struggle between British India and French Indo‐China in Burma, 1878–1886 (Delhi, Manohar Book Service, 1974), xii, 436 pp., illustrated. Rs 75.00. P. H. M. van den Dungen, The Punjab Tradition: Influence and Authority in Nineteenth‐Century India (London, George Allen and Unwin, 1972), 366 pp. £6.50. Author's Reply to K. W. Jones’ Review Aparna Basu, The Growth of Education and Political Development in India, 1898–1920 (Delhi, Oxford University Press, 1974), x, 258 pp. Rs 40.00. Jim Masselos, Nationalism on the Indian Subcontinent: an Introductory History (Melbourne, Thomas Nelson Australia, 1972), vi, 227 pp., 20 plates, 3 maps. $A4.25. Francis Robinson, Separatism among Indian Muslims: the Politics of the United Provinces’ Muslims, 1860–1923, Cambridge South Asian Studies No. 16 (London, Cambridge University Press, 1974), xiv, 469 pp., 4 plates, 4 maps, 12 tables. £9.00. Imtiaz Ahmad (ed.), Caste and Social Stratification among the Muslims (Delhi, Manohar Book Service, 1973), 256 pp. Rs 35.00. Leonard A. Gordon, Bengal: The Nationalist Movement 1876–1940 (New York and London, Columbia University Press, 1974), xiv, 407 pp. $US15.0Q. R. Suntharalingam, Politics and Nationalist Awakening in South India, 1852–1891, Association for Asian Studies Monographs and Papers, No. XXVII (Tucson^ University of Arizona Press, 1974), xix, 396 pp. $US7.95 cloth, $3.95 paper. A. K. Gopaian, In the Cause of the People: Reminiscences (Madras, Orient Longmans, 1973), 299 pp. Rs 40. E. M. S. Namboodiripad, Conflicts and Crisis. Political India: 1974 (Bombay, Sangam Books, 1974), 160 pp. Rs 6. E. M. S. Namboodiripad, Indian Planning in Crisis (Trivandrum, Ghintha Publishers, 1974), 136 pp. Rs 8. Apa Pant, A Moment in Time (London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1974), 191 pp. $A6.80. S. G. Ghosh, Decision‐Making and Power in the British Conservative Party: a Study of the Indian Problem, 1929–1934 (Calcutta, Oceania Publishing House, 1972), xiv, 235 pp. Approx. $A5.00. N. R. Chakravarti, The Indian Minority in Burmd: the Rise and Decline of an Immigrant Community (London, Oxford University Press, for the Institute of Race Relations, 1971), xxiv, 214 pp. £3.25, $A10.10. Rodney W. Jones, Urban Politics in India: Area, Power, and Policy in a Penetrated System (Berkeley, Universtiy of California Press, 1974), xviii, 420 pp. Available from ANZ Book Co. P.L. $A23.00. Howard L. Erdman, Political Attitudes of Indian Industry: a Case Study of the Baroda Business Elite, Institute of Commonwealth Studies, Commonwealth Papers No. 14 (London, University of London, 1971), 62 pp. £1.10. Jan Breman, Patronage and Exploitation: Changing Agrarian Relations in South Gujarat, India (Berkeley, University of California Press, 1974), xvi, 287 pp. Supplied by ANZ Book Co. P.L. $A17.25. Kathleen Gough and Hari P. Sharma (eds), Imperialism and Revolution in South Asia (New York, Monthly Review Press, 1973), viii, 470 pp. $US15.00, £6.45. Anthony Mascarenhas, The Rape of Bangla Desh (Delhi, Vikas Publications, no date), vii, 146 pp. plus appendices (28 pp.). Rs 17.50 Melville de Mellow, Remembered Glory (New Delhi, Publications Division, Government of India, 1972), 149 pp. Rs 7.00. Austin Robinson, Economic Prospects of Bangladesh (London, Overseas Institute, 1973), viii, 59 pp. £1.50. R. H. S. Boyd, India and the Latin Captivity of the Church: the Cultural Context of the Gospel (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1974), xiv, 151 pp. £3.40.

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