
Book reviewed in this article:Abbott, J. (1971). Student Life in a Class Society.Anthony, E. J., and Koupernik, C. (Eds.) (1970). The Child in his Family.Bakker, D. J., and Satz, P. (1970). Specific Reading Disability: Advances in Theory and Method.Blackman, S., and Goldstein, K. (1971). An Introduction to Data Management in the Behavioural and Social Sciences.Cooley, W., and Lohne, P. (1971). Multivariate Data Analysis.Butcher, H. J., and Pont, H. B. (Eds.). (1970). Educational Research in Britain ‐2.Eysenck, H. J. (Ed.) (1971). Readings in Extraversion‐Introversion. Vol. 1– Theoretical and Methodological Issues, pp. 416, £4·00; Vol. 2— Fields of Application, pp. 355, £4·95; Vol. 3— Bearings on Basic Psychological Processes, pp. 640, £6·75.Ferri, E. (1971). Streaming: Two Years Later.Frankenstein, C. (1970). Impaired Intelligence. Pathology and Rehabilitation.Goodacre, Elizabeth J. (1971). Children and Learning to Read.Gulliford, R. (1969). Backwardness and Educational Failure.Furneaux, Barbara (1969). The Special Child.Haynes, J. M. (1971). Educational Assessment of Immigrant Pupils.Haywood, H. C. (Ed.) (1970). Socio‐Cultural Aspects of Mental Retardation.Kahan, V. L. (1971). Mental Illness in Childhood.Kiell, N. (1969). The Universal Experience of Adolescence. 2nd edition.MacKenzie, N., Eraut, M., and Jones, H. C. (1970).Morrison, A., and McIntyre, D. (1971). Schools and Socialization.Piaget, J., and Inhelder, B. (1971). Mental Imagery in the Child: A Study of the Development of Imaginal Representation.Rudd, W. G. A. (Ed.) (1970). C.S.E.: A Group Study Approach to Research and Development. Schools Council Examination Bulletin 20.Society for Research into Higher Education (1970). Research into Higher Education, 1969: Papers presented at the Fifth Annual Conference.Sutherland, M. B. (1971). Everyday Imagining and Education.Williams, N., and Williams, S. (1970). The Moral Development of Children.

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