
Abstract Elements of Statistical Reasoning, by Alan E. Treloar. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 1939. xi, 261 pp. $3.25. Reviewed by Joseph Berkson, M.D. Theory of Probability, by Harold Jeffreys. New York: Oxford University Press. 1939. vi, 380 pp. $7.00. Reviewed by J. Neyman The Variate Difference Method, by Gerhard Tintner. Bloomington, Indiana: Principia Press, Inc. 1940. 175 pp. $2.50. Reviewed by M. A. Girshick Applied General Statistics, by Frederick E. Croxton and Dudley J. Cowden. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1939. xviii, 944, xiii pp. $4.00. Reviewed by L. Edwin Smart Théorie Mathématique du Bridge à la Portée de Tous, by Émile Borel and André Chéron. Paris: Gauthier-Villars. Vol. V of the series ‘Monographies des Probabilités,’ published under the direction of E. Borel. 1940. xi, 392 pp. 175 fr. Reviewed by J. Neyman Corporate Size and Earning Power, by William Leonard Crum. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Harvard Studies in Monopoly and Competition. 1939. xi, 418 pp. $4.00. Reviewed by S. H. Nerlove Textile Markets, Their Structure in Relation to Price Research. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research. Report of the Committee on Textile Price Research to the Conference on Price Research. Price Studies No. 2. 1939. xx, 266 pp. $3.00. Reviewed by William R. Curtis Price Research in the Steel and Petroleum Industries. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research. Prepared for the Conference on Price Research. Price Studies No. 3. 1939. xiii, 170 pp. $2.00. Reviewed by William R. Curtis Competition Among Grains, by N. Jasny. Stanford University, California: Food Research Institute. 1940. xiii, 606 pp. $4.00. Reviewed by Sherman E. Johnson The Control of Competition in Canada, by Lloyd G. Reynolds. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1940. xiv, 324 pp. $3.50. Reviewed by Edgar M. Hoover, Jr. Control of International Trade, by Heinrich Heuser. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston's Son & Co., Inc. 1939. xii, 282 pages. $3.50. Reviewed by Gottfried Haberler English Theories of Central Banking Control, 1819–1858, With Some Account of Contemporary Procedure, by Elmer Wood. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Harvard Economic Studies, Vol. LXIV 1939. xiii, 250 pp. $5.00. Reviewed by Howard S. Ellis The Federal Income Tax, by Roy G. and Gladys C. Blakey. London, New York, Toronto: Longmans, Green and Co. 1940. xvii, 640 pp. $7.50. Reviewed by George O. May Capital Expansion, Employment, and Economic Stability, by Harold G. Moulton, George W. Edwards, James D. Magee, and Cleona Lewis. Washington, D. C.: The Brookings Institution. 1940. xv, 413 pp. $3.50. Reviewed by Solomon Fabricant Capital Investment in Africa, its Course and Effects, by S. Herbert Frankel. New York: Oxford University Press. 1938. xvi, 487 pp. $4.00. Reviewed by Alvin H. Hansen A Statistical Study of the Drawing Power of Cities for Retail Trade, by John Adams Pfanner, Jr. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 1940.xii, 81 pp. $1.00. Reviewed by Paul T. Cherington Economic Consequences of the Seven-Hour Day and Wage Changes in the Bituminous Coal Industry, by Waldo E. Fisher. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 1939. xv, 130 pp. $2.00. Reviewed by Theodore A. Veenstra Personal Finance Companies and Their Credit Practices, by Ralph A. Young and Associates. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research. 1940. xix, 170 pp. $2.00. Reviewed by Louis N. Robinson International Boundaries: A Study of Boundary Functions and Problems, by S. Whittemore Boggs. New York: Columbia University Press. 1940. xvii, 272 pp. $3.25. Reviewed by Malcolm J. Proudfoot People, the Quantity and Quality of Population, by Henry Pratt Fairchild. New York: Henry Holt and Company. 1939. 315 pp. $2.25. Reviewed by A. B. Wolfe Social and Biological Aspects of Mental Disease, by Benjamin Malzberg. Utica, New York: State Hospitals Press, 1940. iv, 360 pp. $2.50. Reviewed by Harold F. Dorn

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